Honor Code

Honor Code

As a Mississippi State University student I will conduct myself with honor and integrity at all times. I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor will I accept the actions of those who do.

Visit the Student Honor Code Council Office

The Student Honor Code Office is poised to help students become successful through their academics and leadership involvement. It is the Mission of the Mississippi State University Student Honor Code Office to support the mission of the Division of Student Affairs by coordinating efforts to promote academic integrity as well as reduce and control academic dishonesty. The Student Honor Code Office further seeks to promote integrity and honesty both inside and outside of the classroom. The Student Honor Code Office functions to:

  • Promote academic integrity
  • Assist in reducing and controlling academic dishonesty
  • Oversee all activities of the Student Honor Code Council
  • Coordinate training on academic integrity and academic dishonesty for students and faculty
  • Monitor all relevant data pertaining to academic integrity and dishonesty
  • Coordinate University programs designed to promote academic integrity
  • Oversee all functions of the Examination Proctoring Program
  • Assess the effectiveness of intervention strategies designed to promote academic integrity
  • Serve as the central office responsible for maintaining records and for coordinating communication, prevention, training, remediation, and adjudication efforts for all cases of academic misconduct at MSU
  • Serve as a resource to faculty and students by assisting them in navigating the University’s Process and Procedures

Promoting academic integrity involves much more than adjudicating cases of alleged academic dishonesty. It also requires an institutional wide effort to promote academic integrity through preventive programming as well as providing students with remediation steps to deter future academic dishonesty violations.

We believe that it is vital for institutions of higher learning to promote the highest standards of integrity both inside and outside of the classroom. Our philosophy is that leadership, integrity and service are intertwined in such a way that the strength of one of these three attributes is dependent upon the other two. Our institution is providing a vital service to society and students by devoting resources to ensure that students are equipped with the knowledge, integrity, and skill to be productive citizens. Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions and concerns.

Welcome to the MSU Bulldog family!
Dr. James Earl Orr, Jr. - Director of Student Honor Code Council Office