Online Resources
Your NetID and Netpassword is also used to access the MSU online portals.
This is the main MSU portal that offers single sign-on access to such Web services as Banner, myCourses, and BullyMail. myState is designed to enhance personal productivity by providing customized and personalized access to a variety of university systems and information.
Use these links to access information about myState and how to login.
MyCourses is the learning management system used for instructive purposes at MSU.
- Log on to myState and enter NetID and NetPassword. Click on Classroom tab.
BullyMail M365
Each student is given a BullyMail account upon admission to MSU. This account features 7.5 GB of mail storage. Remember your email address is your Example Be sure to read the frequently asked questions section for additional help or information about your BullyMail account.
Service Desk Requests
To request ITS services, visit